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👋👋Hi, I'm Di, a forth-year Ph.D. candidate 👩🏻‍🎓from Colorado State University. My research interest lies in cognitive psychology🧐, media sociology🤓 and intercultural communication🤩. I am passionate about understanding each one's unique experience and bring out those meaningful insights to inform better business decisions. I am a life-long learner who loves exploring human behavior and wish to apply what I learn to simplify people's experience. I've been conducting both quantitative and qualitative research in the past six years, so you know I'll bring the accumulated knowledge in research, critical thinking skills, and collaborative experience to all my projects🥳🥳🥳. 

I've come to believe that the best user experience doesn't just lead to great business outcomes, but is also humane. I'm committed to making my work as accessible and inclusive as possible, while also acknowledging that this will be a lifelong learning process.💪💪💪

This will mean making mistakes at times, learning from them, improving, and bringing a humility into my research process to optimize user experience that works for everyone who uses them. 👂👀👣👤🧠🫁🫀👨‍🦳

Outside of research, you'll find me and my family 👨‍👩‍👧 regularly hiking, and eating delicious frozen yogurt🍦with chewy mochi🍨.

Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate on a project, or just anything else in general — always happy to chat!

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